ST Car Sales

ST Car Sales

Best Cars, Best Value

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It’s always good news when we are able to find good, high quality products at value for money prices. That’s exactly what Glasgow’s ST Car Sales is able to offer. If you’re in the market for a pre-owned car you’ll find it hard to beat this friendly used car centre situated on Tollcross Road.
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At ST Car Sales Glasgow, the team pride themselves on being able to sell the highest quality used vehicles, ensuring that all their vehicles are prepared to the most exacting standards prior to sale.
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You will find an extensive choice of cars covering most aspects of the market. If you would like professional help in choosing the best car to meet your requirements you can relax safe in the knowledge that ST Car Sales’ expert sales team will be able to provide considered and impartial advice. After all, this company is well-respected in the automotive sales industry.
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If you are upgrading from another car, ST Car Sales can purchase your old model for a fair and accurate price. The team are always looking for good condition cars to add to their stock, and can offer a part exchange against the value of a car in their existing range. They’ll take great pleasure in being able to guide each and every one of their customers, and have a deep passion for cars, which is at the heart their unrivalled expertise. Finance and comprehensive warranty cover is available, too.
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You’ll find ST Car Sales at 1243 Tollcross Road, Glasgow, Scotland G32 8HB. For more detailed information email and visit, where you can browse current stocks online and click on any model that interests you. At ST Car Sales, the goal is to give you an interactive tour of the used car inventory, as well as allow you to apply for financing. The phone number for this popular dealership is 0141 473 6263. ST Car Sales is open from 9.30am till 6.00pm from Monday to Friday, while on Sundays the dealership is open from 10.00am until 4.00pm.
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