by Jonathan Crouch
There are good cars, there are bad cars and sometimes there are just plain puzzling cars. File the Aston Martin Cygnet in the latter drawer. When Aston Martin launched what was clearly a made-over Toyota iQ in 2011, it caused an awful lot of knotted brows, head scratching, chin stroking and all those other things people do when their body language betrays utter cluelessness. Although never officially confirmed by Aston Martin, it was strongly rumoured that the Cygnet was but a cheat, a way of lowering the average carbon dioxide emissions of its vehicle range so as to sidestep some swingeing EU fines. What's not up for debate was that as a sales proposition, the Cygnet was a horrible disaster. Aston expected to sell 4,000 cars a year and struggled to shift 1,500 units …
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