by Jonathan Crouch
Following the in-crowd is a trait that seems to particularly afflict coupe owners. The 'must-have' cars are easy to plot. Back in the Seventies you were really something if you had a Capri, whereas in the Eighties a Porsche 944 was the coupe du jour. It's tough to believe now, but for a while in the early nineties the Vauxhall Calibra was prime material, although this was soon superseded by the Ford Puma and the Audi TT. These days, the hot tickets are the Nissan's 350Z and the Mazda RX-8. Chrysler's Crossfire doesn't get anywhere close. This means that while it's never going to be the trendiest vehicle of its ilk, it does guarantee a certain exclusivity. With a quirky, left field appeal, the Crossfire has more going for it than you may at first think.
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