by Jonathan Crouch
If you want to upset a Chrysler executive, tell him that Renault was first to invent the modern large MPV people carrier with the Espace, which arrived in Britain in 1985. He'll soon tell you that, in fact, the Michigan company began work on what they then termed a 'Super Wagon' way back in 1978. When what Chrysler eventually called the Voyager was finally launched Stateside in 1983, Uncle Sam and his family took to it immediately. Over 210,000 were sold in the very first year, sending rival makers scurrying back to their drawing boards. Today, with around six million sold since the car's original introduction, it is the undisputed MPV world leader, a position strengthened by the third generation version launched to the rest of the world in 1994. However, until 1997, Chrysl…
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