by Jonathan Crouch
Mention the Fiat Seicento and most people will think of cheeky city cars, the kind of runabouts you see nipping in and out of Turin streets, other drivers chuckling as the spiritual successor to the old Fiat 500 jinks through a tiny gap and into a parking space little bigger than a Quattro Stagioni pizza. The reality is somewhat different, as like its predecessor, the Cinquecento, the Seicento is manufactured in Poland. If the concept of zipping through the streets of Tychy and stopping off for a plate of steamed cabbage doesn't hold the same appeal, the same can't be said of the Seicento. It has taken everything good about the Cinquecento and attempted to ditch its flaws. Seicentos are often bought as second or third cars and often show low mileages, yet their inherent role a…
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