by Jonathan Crouch
When compared to the success enjoyed by its hatchback sibling, the Tipo, the Fiat Tempra had something of a rough ride. It seems that here in the UK we struggle with the concept of actually buying a four door saloon when a hatchback version is available. We looked with vague disdain upon the Ford Orion and bought the Escort, we broke out the barge poles for the Vauxhall Belmont happier instead with our Astras. The Volkswagen Vento received short shrift, the public happy to queue to join the waiting list for the Golf club. We could go on with the Lancia Dedra, the Peugeot 306 Sedan, the Renault 19 Chamade but you probably get the point. The Tempra never really whet our wallets and that's the key reason why it makes such a super used buy. Read on. Despite their …
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