by Jonathan Crouch
UK buyers have taken a long time to see the merits of the Nissan QX. Perhaps it was tarred by the same brush as its unremarkable predecessor, the Maxima, sales volumes of which were distinctly Minima. The QX has never troubled the likes of the Vauxhall Omega in terms of UK new sales, but as a used buy it represents an awful lot of high-quality metal for the money. Like the Toyota Camry it has largely been ignored by UK buyers whilst selling in shiploads to American customers. It would appear that the British public consider no Japanese firm other than Lexus capable of building a big saloon. It has been Nissan's task to convince us otherwise, and with the QX it wouldn't be unfair to say they have singularly failed. This, it turns out, is more to do with our penchant for …
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