by Jonathan Crouch
It's wholly unscientific but nevertheless throws up some interesting numbers. If you've got five minutes, fire up the Auto Trader website, limit the search to cars built since 2008 and compare the numbers you get back from the medium range coupe category. You'll find plenty of Sciroccos, quite a few 370Zs and Caymans, but only a few Renault Laguna Coupes. Rather worryingly for Renault, the paltry sales of the coupe were virtually matched by those of the Laguna hatch but that's another story. If you value an element of exclusivity, the Laguna coupe might well pique your interest. But isn't exclusivity just a weaselly way of pitching unpopularity? In effect, yes, but it's worth remembering that some cars make much smarter used buys than new and we suspect that the Renaul…
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