by Jonathan Crouch
You have to admire Skoda. As one of the world's oldest car companies, they've survived two World Wars, a communist dictatorship, an invasion or two and, worst of all, the darker side of the English sense of humour. Officially, the company is now over one hundred years old, though to be fair, the Czech founders, bookseller Vaclav Klement and mechanic Vaclav Laurin, who set up business in 1895 making bicycles, didn't actually make their first automobile until 1905. What isn't in doubt is that the company is now going through the brightest period in its history and it owes that to one car - the Felicia, subsequently joined by the Octavia and now replaced by the 'fabialous' Fabia supermini. The Felicia was on sale for six years, so there are a good few around on the used market - …
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