by Jonathan Crouch
It's taken a while but the public is only now catching on to quite what a good car Toyota's Corolla Verso is. The first generation car was a product that completely passed the British public by and was unfairly ignored. Undeterred by this indifference, Toyota went back to the drawing board and launched a second generation Corolla Verso in 2004 that has started to pick up some meaningful sales. Despite the fact that it wins almost every group test it ever enters, the Verso has never sold in the same order of magnitude as cars like the Vauxhall Zafira, the Renault Scenic or the Citroen Xsara Picasso, but live with one for any extended period of time and you'd have to admit that Toyota have got the product spot-on. Here's how to pick up a decent post-2004 second g…
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