by Jonathan Crouch
Volkswagen may have been late to the coupe-convertible party but the car they eventually developed, the Eos, is one of the very best of its type. It's not cheap and used examples are in strong demand. With no weak models in the line up and strong reliability, it's hard to go wrong. These days when Volkswagen sets out to develop a new car, they don't tend to cut corners. Aware that they charge a premium price for their wares, a certain level of superior perceived quality needs to be built in and the Eos coupe-convertible was no exception. Ostensibly a Golf convertible for a more demanding age, the Eos combined good looks and a decent drive, racking up very respectable sales. Here's what to look for when searching for a used example.
Latest used Volkswagen Eos (2006 - 2011)'s for sale on Exchange & Mart…
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