by Jonathan Crouch
If you want the best People Carrying MPV with the best resale value in the class, then you're probably looking at buying a Volkswagen Sharan. Though the car shares its design with Ford's class-leading Galaxy (and SEAT's Alhambra), that Volkswagen badge and the fewer numbers on the road have kept second-hand Sharan values impressively high. On the face of it then, used buyers would be better going for the more plentiful and almost identical Ford. In practice however, you might want to give it some thought. For a start, though you might pay a little more for a Sharan, it will of course be worth more when you sell it. More debatably, Volkswagen dealers argue that their car's German-sourced 2.0-litre engine is better than the Mondeo unit in earlier versions of the Ford. Yo…
Latest used Volkswagen Sharan (1995 - 2000)'s for sale on Exchange & Mart…
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