by Jonathan Crouch
Buying a used SUV ought to be easy. There's no shortage of stock to choose from and it's a buyer's market. The thing is, getting that choice exactly right is a more nuanced thing than many realise. With big 4x4s, image is key and while there are some who want the most blinged-up truck imaginable, while others want an old Land Rover 110 with its chassis held together by hay for that 'authentic' look, there's a middle ground of people who want something not too shouty but which retains a degree of class and comfort. That's where a second-generation post-2010 Volkswagen Touareg makes such an interesting used buy. Prices seem a bargain at the moment and it still feels right up to scratch. Here's what to look for.
Latest used Volkswagen Touareg (2010 - 2014)'s for sale on Exchange & Mart…
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