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Buying Advice - Bikes & Scooters: Paying

Image of a motorbike and a motorbike key.


There are different ways you can pay for a motorcycle - cash, cheque, banker's draft or bank transfer. An immediate bank transfer can be made using the CHAPS system for a nominal fee, (£20-£30). Consider meeting the buyer at your bank and completing the transaction there. CHAPS payments are irrevocable. Choose the method that works for you but be aware of the potential issues. It can be dangerous carrying a large amount of cash when you're going to meet a stranger so use your common sense and always have someone with you. Cheques and banker's drafts can be fraudulent or counterfeit so the seller may not be prepared to accept these. NEVER pay using a money transfer company such as Western Union or Moneygram - these exist for transferring money between people who know each other. Be careful when using ESCROW or Shipping web sites as many are bogus and set up by fraudsters. If you do use ESCROW, make sure it's verified by the FSA and is based in the UK. See the Metropolitan Police Fraud Alert web pages about money transfer, criminal cashback fraud and bogus ESCROW sites.

next: Buyer beware